
HD Videos from Cuba


Yoruba Dancing & Singing - Cuba - 011v02 1,706 views | 11 | 0

Cuba´s culture has a very strong connection with the legacy of the african natives brought to the island by the spanish conquerors as slaves. The religious believes, the dancing and singing remained strong despite anything and became an unvaluable ingredient in the wonderful mix of the cuban culture identity. ...

Santiago de Cuba City/Santiago de Cuba 13 years ago

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Viñales Bus Tour - 037v01 253 views | 1 | 0

Viñales, located in western province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba, is a unique place on the planet, a beautiful valley populated by big limestone cliff know as "mogotes" and some of the world´s best tobacco plantations. It possesses also massive rocky outcrops and immense caverns; great hiking, rock climbing and ...

Vinales/Pinar del Rio 12 years ago

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Viñales - 047v01 305 views | 3 | 0

Viñales National Park is a valley located in Pinar del Río, the most eastern province of Cuba. The beautiful valley is populated with bulbous limestone cliffs called "Mogotes" and well tended tobacco plantations. Viñales is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the best rock climbing areas in the ...

Vinales/Pinar del Rio 12 years ago

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Varadero Night Clubs - Casa de la Musica - 031v02 11,549 views | 10 | 0

A great party in Casa de La musica de Varadero (Varadero´s music house). An excelent place to dance and enjoy the hot and vibrant cuban rythms. The disco is locatic in the center of the varadero city and is very popular with tuorist and cubans aswell. ...

Varadero/Matanzas 12 years ago

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Varadero Dolphins Show - 058v01 259 views | 6 | 0

Varadero Dolphins Show ...

Varadero/Matanzas 9 years ago

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Tres Cubano - Santiago - Cuba - 019v01 4,499 views | 7 | 2

The "tres" is an instrument very similar to a guitar but with 3 or 4 pair of strings, its sonority is very organic and the scales and melodies are overwhelming. Cuba is famous for its music, the son, rumba, cha cha cha, guaguancó, changui, punto cubano and even the recent ...

Santiago de Cuba City/Santiago de Cuba 13 years ago

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The Hershey Train. Cuba's 1921's electric railway - 004v01 3,317 views | 20 | 0

"The Hershey Train" is the only electric railway that has ever existed in Cuba. It is (still) operating since 1921 and travels from Casablanca Station in Havana to Matanzas. The trip is magical and a good way to experience the natural beauty of Cuba and the Cubans; and of course ...

Matanzas City/Matanzas 13 years ago

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Sergio de Liz - Mi Mujer y Yo - Santiago de Cuba - 026v01 220 views | 0 | 0

Sergio de Liz is one of those street talents that mixes "pícaras" lirics with Cuban traditional country music. Santiago de Cuba is the second largest city of the Cuban island, and traditionally, the source of some of the most important Cuban musicians, dancers and artists. Right on the square is ...

Santiago de Cuba City/Santiago de Cuba 13 years ago

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Sergio de Liz - Mi Barrio - Santiago - Cuba - 017v01 645 views | 8 | 0

Sergio de Liz enjoys playing his own songs in Santiago´s park and squares. ...

Santiago de Cuba City/Santiago de Cuba 13 years ago

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Sergio de Liz - Hijo de mi Mama - Cuba - 016v01 376 views | 6 | 0

Sergio de Liz is a 'street talent' that enjoys playing his own songs in Santiago´s park and squares. Santiago de Cuba is Cuba´s second largest city, and is the musical heart of the island. Santiago is full of musicians playing everywhere. ...

Santiago de Cuba City/Santiago de Cuba 13 years ago

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